metamask chrome extension | on my account)

Alternatively, on Extension you can also configure whether testnets are displayed by going to Settings > Advanced:

Follow these steps as soon as possible:

  1. Install MetaMask on another browser (or another browser profile). For Mobile, you'll need a second device, enabling you to create a new instance of MetaMask (if you remove MetaMask from your mobile device and you don't have the Secret Recovery Phrase backed up, you won't be able to re-access it).

  2. Create a new MetaMask wallet on the new browser, browser profile, or mobile device.

  3. Write down the Secret Recovery Phrase in the correct order and store it someplace safe. Never give it to anyone.

  4. Go back to the compromised account and send any remaining funds to the newly created account. If you believe there may be a sweeper script on the compromised account, don't send in any additional ETH or other tokens to pay for gas (if there is a sweeper, try following our guidance here).

  5. Once you've removed all of the funds you can, discontinue using the old wallet and any accounts associated with the compromised Secret Recovery Phrase.

  6. Report the scam to the relevant authorities.

Unfortunately, transactions cannot be reversed, nor missing funds restored. MetaMask is a self-custodial wallet, which means we cannot control access to user accounts, nor intervene and rescue your account or funds for you.

Last updated